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Friday, March 15, 2013

Peaceful Co-existence

In my first post about my recent deer sighting I wanted mainly to show all four of these deer because I have not before seen four deer at once in the city. However, perhaps more extraordinary than their number was their peaceful acceptance of a human (me) relatively close and visible. While they initially spent a few moments watching me closely they then went back to browsing and grooming themselves in a relaxed fashion. It's very pleasant to be acknowledged without fear by wild animals.

Shortly after I posted yesterday's photo (scroll down) of the Fawn Lily, I happened to be reading in Emily Carr's "The Book of Small" and was delighted by her description of these same little lilies:
"...the most delicately lovely of all flowers - white with bent necks and brown eyes looking back into the earth. Their long, slender petals, rolled back from their drooping faces, pointed straight up at the sky, like millions of quivering white fingers. The leaves of the lilies were very shiny - green, mottled with brown, and their perfume like heaven and earth mixed."


Massimo said...

just beautiful ... so nice, I love the deers, ciao

JoJo said...

Great close up shots! I want to hug them.

William Kendall said...

It's a privilege to see them like that.

Dean Lewis said...

Wow, such vivid detail.
I agree, it is fantastic when animals sense no danger from us.
Let's just hope they sense cars are something else.

Stephanie said...

Magnificent on your shots today. We had a deer visit our front lawn two days ago. I must venture out to the woods soon to see if the Fawn Lily is out.