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Tuesday, December 27, 2016

Jeff Maltby - Chinatown Murals 3

Above is a detail from Jeff Maltby's third Chinatown mural just a few steps away from the two previously posted. I like this detail because these kids just look so nice, especially the one on the right looking right out of the picture at us. Below we can see the whole mural - a tour de force trompe l'oeil.
Take few steps back to see this amazing mural in context. Some parts of it, like the sign for the restaurant on the upper right are actually real.
I think it's a tribute to this artist that although these paintings are right at street level and you can walk right up to them and touch them they (and the other Maltby murals) remain free of graffiti or other gratuitous damage and these are nine years old.


William Kendall said...

I like the facial expressions.

JoJo said...

That is just incredible work.