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Monday, December 12, 2016


Well, that snow is gone now, though we may get some more before winter's over. Victoria doesn't get much snow - I don't think we had any last winter. But when we do get some, Victorians like to get out and enjoy it as much as possible. This was the scene last week in Banfield Park in Vic West.


William Kendall said...

Even if snow is brief, kids love getting out into it.

We appear to now be having a normal winter in Ottawa- the snow's falling and appears here to stay, so odds are we'll end up with a white Christmas.

JoJo said...

That's why I liked winter up there. The snow never lasts long at all.

Benjamin Madison said...

Thanks William and JoJo for your comments.

@JoJo - Glad to see you're back - I hope you weren't sick - We missed your comments.