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Tuesday, July 22, 2014

Maritime Museum

Here's a pair of visitors strolling through Bastion Square with the Maritime Museum in the background. It's a great place to spend a few hours - there's lots of general nautical history but a great deal of local history as well. The building itself was the infant city's first courthouse in the 19th century, presided over by the famous Judge Begbie. You can still visit the upstairs courtroom and you might get to see or hear the ghost....


Mike Laplante said...

This is a an under-appreciated gem of a museum that, unfortunately, flies under the radar of locals and tourists due to the nearby RBC museum.

I have fond memories of sleepovers here with my sons' Beaver group.

I think you've featured the Bird Cage elevator inside in your blog before, no.

I was hoping that they would be able to move into the Bell St. Terminal which would have been a natural fit for them, but didn't happen.

There was talk of building a purpose built barge on the inner harbour for them, but I haven't heard anything more about that since last year.

JoJo said...

Nice shot! I never went in but I have pics of that light. I see different flowers in the baskets there too!

William Kendall said...

It's a really beautiful building.