Here's another scene I have not visited since the early summer and now the leaves are turning on the far side of Esquimalt Lagoon where Hatley Castle is just visible. I wanted to try out some new extension tubes that enable one to use an ordinary lens as if it were a macro and shoot close-ups. To the right is a sample - there's lots of this Gumweed (Grindelia integrifolia) growing all along the shore of the lagoon, |

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Friday, September 30, 2016
Esquimalt Lagoon
Thursday, September 29, 2016
West Bay Walkway
Due to some back problems I haven't walked along this walkway since spring but now, mobile once again, I walked along it yesterday and found it as beautiful as I remembered. Near the point in the above photo this walkway turns into the Westsong Way which carries one downtown where it turns into the David Foster Way and continues around the Inner Harbour past Fisherman's Wharf and thence along Dallas Road. Using these various interconnected walkways one could circumambulate the entire Inner Harbour.
Vic West,
Victoria BC Canada,
West Bay Walkway
Wednesday, September 28, 2016
Pizzarama Pizzaria
This could also have been titled, 'Broken Dreams.' It's another from our recent trip into the heart of BC, and it pulled at my heart strings. As we passed through so much beautiful countryside and in the middle of it all was this sad remainder of someone's dream. - Fern
broken dreams,
closed down,
it's over,
no longer,
say good-bye,
washed up,
Tuesday, September 27, 2016
Oh so quickly it's that time of the year when you see the long lines of geese flying overheard signifying the change of season is again upon us. - Fern
black and white,
canadian geese,
Fern Long,
Monday, September 26, 2016
Howe Sound
Here's another one from our trip off the island recently. This is looking north from the ferry just before it docked at Horseshoe Bay, north of Vancouver. - Fern
BC Ferries,
Bowyer Island,
Fern Long,
Horseshoe Bay,
Howe Sound
Sunday, September 25, 2016
Welcome Aboard
We recently took a trip into the Cariboo and of course that means leaving the island via BC Ferries. On a sunny afternoon it's quite nice to go out onto the deck and for the younger crowd, run around. - Fern
BC Ferries,
Fern Long,
Salish Sea,
Strait of Juan de Fuca
Saturday, September 24, 2016
Mattick's Farm
We've been looking at sculpture this week and here's another one. The figure above, however, was not a part of Sculpture Splash but is perched above the entrance to the restaurant he developed on his farm near Cordova Bay. The restaurant is now a part of the Cordova Bay Golf Club complex and is a great place to eat whether you golf or not. |
Friday, September 23, 2016
Sculpture Splash - Animals
When I think about sculpture what usually comes to mind is the human figure and there were lots of sculptures of people at the Sculpture Splash. But there were also many sculptures of animals and here are a couple that impressed me.
Buxton Green,
Sculpture Splash,
Victoria BC Canada
Thursday, September 22, 2016
Linda Lindsay
Here are two more sculptures from last weekend's Sculpture Splash in Esquimalt. Those of you who visit this blog often will know that I spent many years in Africa and when I saw these sculptures I was completely blown away. The sculptor, Linda Lindsay, has perfectly captured the spirit of Africa in these works, a remarkable achievement. When I was able to chat with the artist a bit I was surprised to learn that while she has visited Africa, she has not lived there for any extended period of time. I had assumed that such deep insight as her sculptures manifest could only come from lengthy exposure to African culture. She has seen more in her visits than many people who have lived there for years. You can see some of her other work on her website,
Wednesday, September 21, 2016
This striking piece on display at the weekend's Sculpture Splash on Buxton Green is entitled, "Serenity" and it definitely has a Buddha-like peacefulness about it. The artist is Richard Gibson.
Tuesday, September 20, 2016
Sculpture Splash
I mentioned the Community Arts Council Sculpture Splash that was held on the weekend. It was really a terrific show with a large number of exquisite and professionally executed pieces displayed in the beautiful surroundings of Buxton Green. We'll have a look at some of the individual pieces over the next few days.
Monday, September 19, 2016
"No Regrets" - New Music from Dave Harris
I am pleased today to bring you some new music, a new original song from Victoria's best-known busker and One Man Band, Dave Harris. Sit back and enjoy "No Regrets".
Dave Harris,
Inner Harbour,
No Regrets,
Sunday, September 18, 2016
Sculpture Splash
This remarkable sculpture is just one of many on display this weekend at Buxton Green in Esquimalt. The event is called the Sculpture Splash and gives local sculptors an opportunity to show their work in a spectacular scenic setting. I went yesterday and was impressed at the variety and obvious professionalism of the works displayed. I'm going back today to take a closer look and also to collect the name of the artist who created the stunning sculpture pictured above.
Buxton Green,
Macaulay Point,
Sculpture Splash
Saturday, September 17, 2016
Bijoux Du Bayou
I've got lots of old favourites among the street performers but I'm always happy to see and hear something new. The group pictured here describe themselves as a "Cajun-Zydeco Swing Dance Band" but seemed to be capable of playing anything and giving it their own unique style. I'm not familiar with Cajun music and I really enjoyed getting a taste of it.
Friday, September 16, 2016
On sunny days if there is any wind at all you can almost always find kiteboarders in the bay that lies off Dallas Road between Clover and Finlayson Points.
Thursday, September 15, 2016
Inside Victoria Harbour Airport
The splendid First Nations bas-relief carving above hangs on one wall of the Victoria Harbour Airport. It is by Kwakwaka'wakw carver Richard Hunt and is called "My Family." Below is the airport waiting room and check-in. The entire airport terminal was built in Bamberton on the Saanich Inlet and then floated around the coast and anchored here.
Wednesday, September 14, 2016
Victoria Harbour Airport
In the background of yesterday's photo of the paper boats you can see the roof of this building, the new Victoria Harbour Airport. It's just for seaplane traffic that comes into the harbour. Victoria's International Airport for large passenger planes is about a half-hour drive outside the city on the Saanich Peninsula. We'll take a look inside the new Harbour Airport tomorrow.
Tuesday, September 13, 2016
Paper Boats
I quite like the whimsy that has installed these giant paper boats down on Ship Point. While I sat nearby and prepared to take some photos, pretty well every child that came by felt the invitation to romp around on these.
Inner Harbour,
Paper Boats,
Ship Point,
Victoria BC Canada
Monday, September 12, 2016
Clear Air
One of Victoria's special characteristics is that it has no smog. I imagine that is because we almost always have a little breeze coming in from the ocean. But while the air is always clear there are times, especially after we have had a bit of rain, when the air is magnificently clear. The last evening of the Classic Boat Festival was like that and here are a few photos where I have tried to capture that clarity.
Sunday, September 11, 2016
Holland Point
Saturday was warm and bright so I took a ride along Dallas Road and stopped to enjoy Holland Point though it was rather windy.
Dallas Road,
Holland Point,
Victoria BC Canada
Saturday, September 10, 2016
Friday, September 9, 2016
According to the Merriam-Webster Dictionary, "shipshape" means clean, neat, and tidy : organized and in good condition. I wouldn't go so far as to say all the Classic Boat Festival boat owners are suffering from OCD but I am always impressed by just how perfectly everything is taken care of, down to the last tiny bit of brass. It reminds me of those beautiful classic cars that we see from time to time - every last nut and bolt is gleaming, every last little detail is taken care of.
Thursday, September 8, 2016
Classic Boat Festival 2
The Classic Boat Festival is one of those events I admire in that lots of people come and enjoy showing off their beautiful boats and lots of Victorians walk around the docks and enjoy looking at the beautiful boats and it's all free. Many of the boat owners will even welcome you on board and give you a tour.
Wednesday, September 7, 2016
Classic Boat Festival
To continue with our discussion of the "everything" photo, here, representing the Classic Boat Festival, is the kind of photo that seems to be the opposite of the "everything" photo. Although it is still quite busy it is pretty clearly focused on that weird ventilation pipe. To me this kind of pipe always brings up nautical associations though I know such pipes are also found on the roofs of tall buildings. However, in this photo, the canvas wrapped lifeboat and the signal flags in the background affirm the nautical nature of the photo. I also like the many geometrical shapes and diagonal lines in this photo, most of which are in dynamic opposition to the ventilation pipe and its uncompromising upright stance.
Tuesday, September 6, 2016
Blues Bash
Labour Day Weekend saw the Inner Harbour hosting two major events, the musical event Blues Bash and the Classic Boat Festival. Above is a shot of Auntie Kate and the Uncles of Funk performing on Sunday afternoon. We'll have a look at the Classic Boats over the next few days.
Monday, September 5, 2016
Mix and Match
There is always some interesting music on the Inner Harbour Causeway and one of the reasons is that the musicians often jam together in various combinations. I've not before seen the trio above, for instance, although I've often seen them playing with others. From the left, playing the big stand-up bass is Cairo Kennedy, who often often plays with his sister Autumn and father Caleb. He also plays in a local group of young musicians called The Colts. In the center is Harbour Nolan, who also plays with the Colts, generally on drums but here showing his skills on ukulele and harmonica. On the right is Jaime Nolan, Harbour's father, who often plays the causeway as a one-man-band - guitar, harmonica and foot drum. The music was good but perhaps what was most enjoyable was the fun this group was having while performing.
Sunday, September 4, 2016
Dusk on North Park Street
I love this time of day and the way the sky so often turns so many amazing colors, usually without much fanfare on this little spinning blue marble of ours. - Fern
Saturday, September 3, 2016
The Everything Photo
I have a bad photography habit that I am trying to curb - I usually try to get everything into one shot, as in the photo above. Note the nifty period lamp and the hanging flower baskets, the Legislative Assembly Buildings, the Inner Harbour Lower Causeway, The Inner Harbour crowded with the boats of the currently running Classic Boat Show. And those are just the main items - there's other things there to distract your attention too. I suspect this habit harks back to the days of film when taking photos was an expensive activity and one naturally strove to get as much into each photo as possible. I've made rules for myself such as there should only be a single subject for each photo, and I try to follow them. But still when I come home from a day's photography I always find at least a few of the "everything" photo. It's a hard habit to break.
Friday, September 2, 2016
Harvest Time
Well, the leaves are turning already - summer's almost gone and it seems like it only started yesterday. There hasn't been much real hot weather here this year, just a few days here and there. Today's photo is one of the statues in the Italian Garden at Hatley Castle. There are four of these, each representing a different season. I think today's is the one representing the autumn harvest because of the sheaves of grain she is holding.
Thursday, September 1, 2016
Island Music
Here's another local musician I saw and heard on Friday night, not at the night market but on the causeway. This is Swan Walker. In the photo above he is playing those wonderful bell-like steel drums that provide the perfect accompaniment for much of his calypso inspired repertoire. But he often switches to his guitar for some reggae or other contemporary music, including his own unique songs.
Inner Harbour,
Steel Drums,
Swan Walker,
Victoria BC Canada
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