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Tuesday, February 16, 2016


The Pelagic Cormorants I posted yesterday were not the only things in the air when Fern and I were at Cattle Point on the weekend. A tiny insect-like buzzing alerted me to this little machine. I must confess to a love-hate relationship with these drones - I hate it when someone else is flying one overhead but I'd love to have one of my own for aerial views.


Stefan Jansson said...

Everyone will have one soon. The skies will be crowded.

William Kendall said...

I've never seen one in the air here.

The Furry Gnome said...

I've got the same feeling - actually showed one on my own blog tonight. Love to have one but they need to be used ethically. The new Transport Canada rules released in December should help a lot.

JoJo said...

One of my friends has one and he's posted amazing aerial shots of our hometown. But I don't like these 'eyes in the sky', to be honest.