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Tuesday, February 3, 2015

Ross Bay Cemetery - Flowers in January

Our weather seems to have been unseasonably warm for the last few weeks but I was still surprised at how many flowering plants were already beginning to grow and even to bloom. Cut flowers on a grave are nice when they are fresh but I think I'd rather be remembered by the daffodils sprouting over the grave above. On a nearby grave there were even some crocuses blooming. I suspect the flowers in Ross Bay are a bit precocious because of being close to the seafront and its moderating influence. There were also lots of snowdrops which seem somehow particularly appropriate for a cemetery.


Andy said...

Early spring... lucky you.

JoJo said...

And we have a blistering 9 degrees at my house and still over two feet of snow.

William Kendall said...

We're buried in snow and staying there. These shots are beautiful!

Stephanie said...

I like this idea for a gravesite to have flowers blooming. It deletes the idea of bringing flowers to the site. Beautiful images!