Saturday, January 3, 2009

Into the mist....

This photo makes me think of death - it's like a visual metaphor of the unknown we all must face sooner or later. The photo was taken by my daughter, Fern Long, on the Ogden Point Breakwater earlier this year. I think it's a good one to end the old year on and to usher in the New Year.


  1. That cheered me up.

    Fern has a great eye for images. This is an amazing shot and doesn't make me think of death, at least it didn't until Major Huge Brain chimed in.

  2. A beautiful and mysterious image. Your daughter has obviously inherited your good eye!

  3. I'd love to run here, but not to the very end.

  4. Funny, like Wayne I had a very different reaction to this photo until I read your text. I'm drawn into the mist. Kudos to your daughter for seeing and taking this.

  5. Yes the breakwater a great place for a walk. but a bit scary with the fog. But a great picture.

  6. I think Fern did a fine job. Her dad could have laid off the death thing just a titch! A wonderful image indeed.

  7. Great lines - superb shot, Fern!

  8. I love this picture!

    It could also symbolize life, and how we can't really anticipate what lies ahead of us, and as we turn around, the past fades from memory. Nice to have some clear guidelines along the way, which we ignore at our peril.

    There. That's better.

  9. WOw, what a gorgeous shot! I had a similar reaction to Elaine. It reminds me of life -- just starting out, nothing defined yet and anything possible.

  10. A provocative image. It makes me thinking that despite life's uncertainties we'll all be fine if we just stick to our lane ( straight path).

  11. I like this picture with the converging lines which lead to ... Nothing ! Very zen ! Outstanding !

  12. I'm going with Elaine's interpretation. To me it's an exciting image, enticing me to step forward into the mist and discover what's there. You can't know until you dare.

  13. This is a beautiful image! It's like stepping into the unknown.

  14. Thanks all for your remarks and interpretations. I think one of the marks of a good photo is that it is lends itself to a variety of interpretations.

  15. Your daughter has the great eye like yourself, Benjamin!!
    This photo makes you think of death; to me it reminds of the beginning of life where all is still a mystery to be discovered.
    Have a good week.

  16. Oh wow! That is very, very cool. I wonder what is on the other side...

  17. She has quite the eye for photography as seen from this and other images you've posted earlier.


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