Sunday, January 4, 2009

Snowdrops - Rebirth

I took this photo the day before yesterday and was originally going to post it as a companion to yesterday's "Into the Mist...." photo. However, my daughter's photo is so good I decided not to post anything with it. However, for me, this is logical next photo in the sequence. These sprouts will develop into the flowers called Snowdrops.


  1. I'd been waiting for this one! It's a few days earlier than I thought but I just knew it was coming.

    The Good Old Victorians do this every year.

  2. In fact, this photo is perfect to follow the previous! Both are fantastic and tell us a story... Well done!

  3. Winter-sprouting bulbs are one of the graces of the season, helping us through the darkness.

  4. hope you'll post the snowdrop flowers when they will blossom.

  5. Oh, I love macro!!! That is a brilliant shot and perspective. Those flowers are so gorgeous.

  6. Great to see this in the first days of the new year.


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