Friday, January 2, 2009

Christmas Lights

Before I say goodbye to 2008 I wanted to doff my hat to the season, so here's a shot of the Inner Harbour with the Legislative Assembly Buildings in their Christmas colors. Please excuse the fuzziness - this is a hand-held time exposure. My fingers just get too numb if I try to mess with a tripod in this cold weather. As for the strange red lights in the sky, I think they must be reflections of tail-lights of cars passing (off camera below on the roadway).


  1. very nice night shot, i like those reflection in the water.

  2. Wow - I wish I could hold a camera that still with frozen fingers...thanks for showing us the lights.

  3. Ben, Great Shot ! I love this area. Have not been up your way in a long time. Maybe in 2009. Have a good one.

  4. The lights amid the boats are nice too.

  5. Superbly breathtaking. Happy New Year and May the New Year brings you good health and prosperity.

  6. I like the deep, deep blues you are able to get in your night shots.

  7. A splendid parting shot for '08!
    Happy New Year, Ben and all the best for you and yours throughout the year!


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