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Thursday, July 23, 2015


As well as having a nice beach, Cadboro Bay is home to Cadborosaurus willsi, a large sea-serpent. What we see here is a playground representation of "Caddy" that is much enjoyed by younger visitors to the beach. You can find out more about Caddy by visiting the Wikipedia link HERE.


JoJo said...

Fascinating stuff in the link you posted! I have seen mentions of 'Caddy' on documentaries about lake and sea monsters. Would love to know the truth about them. I wonder if the Loch Ness Monster is a sturgeon.

William Kendall said...

I've heard of the lake monsters in Loch Ness, Okanagan, and Champlain, but this one's new. Quite a good plaything!

Mike Laplante said...

Has anyone lately seen the creature that's supposed to live in Cameron Lake?
I read the article at your link and looked up oarfish on youtube...

Yup, I could see how that could be mistaken for a sea serpent..