Usually I see scenes like this one but before I can get anywhere near close enough the heron will fly away or someone walks into the shot but not this time; this time it was mine. - Fern

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Sunday, April 30, 2017
Saturday, April 29, 2017
Thursday, April 27, 2017
Room With a View
There's an office building on the corner of Douglas St. and Johnson St. that has the best view from the bathroom on the 7th floor looking south. - Fern
Wednesday, April 26, 2017
More Sea Blush
I wrote yesterday that, "the Sea Blush are painting the hillsides with broad splashes of pink..." but the Sea Blush photo I posted doesn't capture that well so here's another photo of the Sea Blush on the slopes of Highrock Park where you can see how they grow in beds where the glacial grooves in the rock have gathered a little soil. Highrock Park is basically just a huge rock with only the shallowest pockets of soil in these grooves. The green in the foreground of the above photo is moss that clings to the bare rock beneath. Over the next few weeks the pink of the Sea Blush will be replaced by the blue of Camas Lilies that grow in the same grooves.
Tuesday, April 25, 2017
More Highrock
While the Sea Blush are painting the hillsides with broad splashes of pink, in the more wooded parts of Highrock Park these lovely bushes are covered with white blossoms. (I can't remember what these are called. Anyone?)
Highrock Park,
Victoria BC Canada
Monday, April 24, 2017
Sea Blush
These pink Sea Blush have taken over the upper slopes of Highrock Park but the Camas Lilies are hot on their heels and by the end of the week most of those slopes will be clothed in their brilliant blue.
Sunday, April 23, 2017
My Favorite
I know they are weeds but I still love dandelions for their indomitable spirit and their sunny dispositions. - Fern
Saturday, April 22, 2017
Youngest Busker
This is the youngest busker I've seen this year but he was providing some interesting cello music last weekend on Wharf Street. He was quite intent on his music. People may wonder if it's safe for a boy as young as this to be out on the street performing. His City of Victoria licence is visible clipped onto his music stand. What people may not know is that to obtain a licence, any street performer under the age of 16 must be accompanied at all times by a parent. And indeed, just off camera to the right both this boy's parents were in watchful mode to ensure his comfort and safety.
Inner Harbour,
Wharf Street
Friday, April 21, 2017
Spring in the Woods
The meadows of Fawn Lilies in Beacon Hill Park are lovely but those on the wooded slopes of Mount Douglas Park are even more special.
Thursday, April 20, 2017
Mount Douglas Park
Another bright, sunny day today took me up to the summit of Mount Douglas where I enjoyed the above view looking in an easterly direction.
Mount Douglas,
Victoria BC Canada
Wednesday, April 19, 2017
Bastion Square
While wandering around Bastion Square on the weekend I chanced upon this performance of a play about early Victoria called "A Queer Trial". I was on my way to a supper engagement so I only had a few minutes to spare but it looked like a very energetic performance and an enthusiastic audience. It reminded me that I should check on Bastion Square regularly as there are a lot special events like this over the spring and summer months.
Bastion Square,
Victoria BC Canada
Tuesday, April 18, 2017
Fisherman's Wharf
Fisherman's Wharf was busy over the long weekend too. That crowd on the right are watching the harbour seals, a popular attraction.
Monday, April 17, 2017
Dining on the Causeway
As soon as the weather warms up al fresco dining spots blossom on the sidewalks of old town Victoria. Above is what Milestones Restaurant looked like this Easter weekend - probably the prime location in the city as they are right on the Inner Harbour Causeway.
Sunday, April 16, 2017
Saturday, April 15, 2017
Spring Music
Another sunny day today and much warmer brought loads of people out to stroll around the Inner Harbour Causeway. And there was lots to enjoy - refreshments, art and crafts and music. For perennial performer, one man band Dave Harris (above) it was his first outing this year and I enjoyed sitting in the sunshine once again and listening to his music. Later another veteran busker/musician, Country Dave Ryerson joined Dave for the photo below. The contributions these musicians make to the warm and welcoming atmosphere of the Causeway year after year cannot be too highly appreciated.
Friday, April 14, 2017
Pierre St. Pierre
While passing the Causeway this afternoon I was happy to see that an old favorite has returned to our city. This is Pierre St. Pierre working his mysterious magic on a young tourist. The lad is, I'm sad to say, appropriately dressed for this cold spring.
Inner Harbour,
Pierre St. Pierre
Thursday, April 13, 2017
Shooting Stars
Here's another local wildflower that was blooming in the same meadow as pictured yesterday. These are commonly called Shooting Stars, one of many species of Dodecatheon.
Wednesday, April 12, 2017
Beacon Hill Park
Famous local artist and author Emily Carr wrote about her love for Fawn Lilies and whenever I see these in Beacon Hill Park, I imagine that she must have been thinking of this particular meadow. Indeed, her house is only a few minutes walk from where I took this photo on Tuesday.
Tuesday, April 11, 2017
Cherry Blossoms
One more before the season's over. Our weather is still too cold and cloudy to seem like spring but blossoms like these make it seem a little warmer.
cherry blossoms,
James Bay,
Victoria BC Canada
Monday, April 10, 2017
Old Town From Songhees Point
I went down to Songhees Point a few days ago to try out a new time-lapse photography capability. This is one of my favorite views of the old town and it is also a very busy part of the harbour. We are looking across the harbour towards Wharf Street. The time lapse worked well but is a little too fast so I need to do it again before I share it with you. In the meantime, here is a still photo I took at the same time.
Songhees Point,
Victoria BC Canada,
Wharf Street
Sunday, April 9, 2017
The Final Week of School
I go to art school and we are in the last push before the end of the year when EVERYTHING is due which means that if I've haven't been doing anything but homework. The only photographs I've taken are of artwork for my presentation. These three are part of a series of drawings titled, 'Witness Marks' and I've done 30 so far with the goal being to do 100 (!!) Wish me luck.
Saturday, April 8, 2017
Special Tree
I've confessed to my favorite wildflower so, while I've not thought about it much, I suspect the Garry Oaks that are so distinctive a part of this place are my favorite trees. They are so wonderfully and irrationally gnarled. And, whenever I go to Highrock Park I always end up pausing when I see this particular oak. There's something about how it grips the rock it grows out of and how it is always silhouetted against the sky that makes me stop and appreciate it.
garry oak,
Highrock Park,
Victoria BC Canada
Friday, April 7, 2017
I had another photo planned for today but when I was going through the file I came across this photo of a Giant White Fawn Lily and, well you know they are my favorite spring flower, so lets enjoy another one while they are here. This photo was taken yesterday.
Thursday, April 6, 2017
Giant White Fawn Lilies
Well, I love all the spring flowers but when it comes to wild local plants I think these Giant White Fawn Lilies are my favorites. They also come in pink but those are pretty rare around here. I photographed these today in Highrock Park.
Wednesday, April 5, 2017
While on the Causeway on Monday I stopped to listen to Will. His repertoire was almost as old as I am so it was pretty comfortable listening.
Inner Harbour Causeway,
Victoria BC Canada
Tuesday, April 4, 2017
I find photos like this very satisfying. I don't have the ability to set them up but when they happen I am pleased. This pair of skateboarders were taking a break on the Inner Harbour Causeway yesterday afternoon.
Monday, April 3, 2017
Satinflower 2
So I went up to Highrock Park again today to check on how the local wildflowers are doing in this colder-than-normal spring. Usually there is a fairly predictable progression. Satinflowers first and about the time they are finished the Shooting Stars and Fawn Lilies start, then the Sea Pink and then Camas, etc. This year, however, I am seeing Satinflowers, Fawn Lilies and Sea Pink simultaneously. I took this photo of Satinflowers today and you can see the small pink Sea Pink (Sea Blush) flowers at the bottom of the photo. Satinflowers are usually long gone by the time the Sea Pink blooms.
Highrock Park,
Sea Blush,
Victoria BC Canada
Sunday, April 2, 2017
In The Big City
We've left the island for the weekend and headed to Vancouver. I always feel like such a small town girl here, craning my neck to look up at the tall, tall buildings. It was lovely to see some blue sky too, we complain about the weather in Victoria but I think Vancouver had even more. Bring on the sunshine! - Fern
Saturday, April 1, 2017
Ambassador Maggot
Another bright afternoon today so I went down to the causeway to see if any buskers had come out of hibernation. Here's the one I encountered, Ambassador Maggot, Gary Ferreira, who was grinding out some righteous rock n' roll this afternoon.
Ambassador Maggot,
Gary Ferreira,
Victoria BC Canada
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