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Friday, February 10, 2017

Priming the Pump!

Well, it wasn't snowing today - but there was lots of damp grey rain so here is another from the archives - this photo was taken in February 2013 in Beacon Hill Park and as soon as the weather permits I'll be down there to see how the crocuses are doing this year. (Does anyone know what "priming the pump" means any more? In this case, I'm hoping I can hurry spring along by posting a photo of some crocuses.)


William Kendall said...

Beautiful colour! I've heard the phrase before, but don't remember the meaning.

Anonymous said...

Very pretty. I'm all for anything that will hurry Spring along.

In my garden, Lily of the Valley are blooming and the daffodils are poking through.

JoJo said...

So pretty.