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Friday, December 19, 2014

Old Bandstand

This little building was used for many years as a bandstand for summer concerts in the park. It has been replaced by a larger stage but the original bulding is preserved here near the southern end of the stone bridge. I like this photo because of the hardy rhododendrons blooming though it is nearly mid-winter. I came across some other winter blossoms recently we'll have a look at next week.


JoJo said...

That's a cute building. Rhodies blooming now?! Incredible!

Stephanie said...

Cute place. Our Rhodos have been blooming for two months now.

Mike Laplante said...

Wasn't this once used to house birds?

When I first arrived here forty years ago, there was a birdcage in the park... think it housed finches and similar small birds.

William Kendall said...

It's the colours of the structure that really catch my eye.

Benjamin Madison said...

@Mike - I seem to remember about the birds too - but it must have been like ten or fifteen years ago.