Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Pelagic Cormorant (Phalacrocorax pelagicus)

Fern mentioned that we took a small Gulf Islands tour on Sunday, island hopping a bit to get from Victoria to Galiano Island. The ferry stops at Pender and Mayne Islands on the way to Galiano. My day was made at the first stop on Pender Island when Fern drew my attention to a half dozen large blackish birds perched on the dockside. I recognized them as cormorants immediately but could see that they were not the cormorants I usually see (Double-crested Cormorants) along the West Bay and Westsong Walkways. These are Pelagic Cormorants (Phalacrocorax pelagicus), also common along this coast but not a species I have identified before.The photos nicely show off their richly irridescent plumage and bright scarlet skin. They also have striking jade-green eyes. The white patches just above the legs and the scarlet skin on their heads are marks characteristic of breeding season.


  1. Those are way prettier than the cormorants I see down at the Canal.

  2. I've never seen birds like that in the wild. I like the subdued colour.

  3. Like the colouring of their plumage.

  4. Wow, cool. First time seeing one for me.


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