Thursday, March 17, 2011

Slice of Sunshine

This isn't really of Victoria per say but it's bright and makes me think of sunshine which we desperately need some of. I used a macro lens that my Dad gave me; it's a fascinating way to focus in on a world that's right under our noses!


  1. WOW, that's fantastic. I guess it's a blossom.
    Fern, you came up is great photos, I enjoy them a lot.

  2. That's so cool! Is it a daffodil?

  3. Good guesses...its a slice of an orange.

  4. Wow, spirited !
    This foto is what I would call 'painterly'.
    Photography as Art.

  5. This is a very artistic photo! I Love Yellow and it captured my eye in a single sight!



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