Thursday, June 1, 2017


Usually when I go down the Inner Harbour it looks like the photo above. But when I went down late last week to photograph all the boats that had come for a special event what met my eyes was the scene below.
The Special event, of course, was the international yacht race called the Swiftsure. For some reason I had got my dates mixed up and thought the race didn't begin until the following day. All the boats I came down to photograph were out at the race.


  1. It certainly does empty out when the occasion calls for it!

  2. It looks so odd w/o the boats! Did the slip owners have to vacate the docks or were they all participating in the Swiftsure?

  3. Thanks all for your comments.

    @JoJo: If I'd have been a day earlier I have seen the all the yachts parked there. I don't know what the regular users do during race week - I guess they must find somewhere else to park.


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