Thursday, June 22, 2017

Chase the Bear

I am always interested in new groups coming to busk in Victoria so I was happy to see these musicians playing at the bottom of Government Street yesterday. But in this case I was amazed at the raw talent they displayed. And I was not alone - many spectators were equally struck at the music these young perfomrers provided. The group is called, "Chase the Bear" and consists of Troy Gilmore (vocals), Jordan Phillips, and Braeden Royer. Dusty Townsend (cello) of "Fish in a Birdcage" was jamming with them. (Please excuse the quality of the video below. I had gone out to shoot landscapes earlier and neglected to bring my proper video recording equipment with me. The video is from my phone. Consequently the sound is muffled by wind and traffic noise for the first 30 or 40 seconds.)

Braeden Royer
Jordan Phillips
Troy Gilmore


  1. Braedan is my nephew. Good to see him gaining attention for his musical talent.


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