Wednesday, January 4, 2017

March Choices!

As I wrote yesterday, "Every year I put together a calendar for friends and family, of photos I have published on this blog for the last year or so. However, it's always difficult to make decisions about which photos to use. I sam hoping visitors to this blog will help out. Every day for the next few weeks I will publish two or three photos from a given month and hope that comments and choices made by visitors will help me make a final decision which photos to use in this year's calendar. As an incentive, I will offer an online downloadable/printable file of the calendar to anyone who helps me make a choice."

Thanks to everyone who has given me their opinions so far, and it really helps when you give reasons for your preference.

Below are my favorite March 2016 photos: Which one do you prefer?

Giant White Fawn Lily (This flower and the Satinflowers pictured below are both wildflowers that are native to this part of the world.)

Inner Harbour Looking West from Songhees Point



  1. The Satinflowers is a beautiful photo. I love the raindrops.

    All my choices to date are based on aesthetics and that you captured the essence of the subject matter.

  2. I love the Satinflower. It's a great photo

  3. I agree with William. The Inner Harbor!

  4. Well, that's a tougher one. But I like the dark mysterious look of that first photo, so I'll go with it.

  5. I'm torn b/t Inner Harbour from Songhees and Satinflower!

  6. The fawn lilies would be my choice. I know I look forward to them blooming each spring. They're all lovely shots though.


I hope you will leave a comment and visit these pages again. Should you wish to contact me directly you can use the email address in the rightmost column of each blog page.Due to increasing amounts of spam comments (it's up to about 200 per day now) I have decided to limit comments from anonymous visitors.