Sunday, June 19, 2016

Point Hope Shipyard

           Happy Fathers Day!!!
Last Sunday I got to do something that I've always wanted to do. It was the 2nd annual Vic West Street Fest (different from Vic West Fest in May, yes we have TWO neighbourhood events now!) and it's held on Harbour Road in conjunction with Dockside Green and Point Hope Shipyard. There's the usual food trucks, music etc. but for me the highlight was to get to explore the shipyard and the docks as the rest of the year it's off limits to the public. The above picture was taken on board a tugboat that we took a tour of. I've always admired these little boats when you see them powering along with some enormous barge or boat behind them; something so poetic about their small size and incredible power. - Fern




  1. Tugs are the little work horses of the sea, that's for sure. You see them towing huge barges and escorting cruise and container ships through the Canal all the time.

  2. Black and white suits these shots well.


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