Thursday, November 5, 2015

Walkway Wildlife

I am always amazed at the variety of wildlife I encounter when I walk the West Bay Walkway. This is an urban neighborhood which yet harbours a surprising number of species that appear to have adjusted to living in close proximity to humans. The racoon pictured above is an example. When I encountered him on Tuesday he and a pal were fishing a little lower down on the shoreline, wary but generally unconcerned by onlookers.


  1. He is keeping an eye on you. I chatted with one a few weeks back, passing him as I walked by some trees in the evening. He looked at me as if to wonder if I was nuts.

  2. They are so cute but soooooo destructive.

  3. Thanks all for your comments.

    @ William: OK, what were you chatting about?
    @JoJo: As the racoon was looking at me he was thinking about humans, "They are so cute but sooooo destructive."


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