Thursday, September 18, 2014


Just when I'd begun psychologically to prepare myself for winter, along came a week of weather as good as any we had during mid-summer. Temperatures in the mid-twenties gave everyone's shorts and t-shirts another week's wear. Above, Bastion Square was packed with tourists and locals checking out the arts and crafts on their way to view the chalk art on Government Street.


  1. I loved shopping in Bastion Square at the artists' tables. A lot of my Victoria 'souvenirs' were from artists here. I tried to buy as much of the local arts and crafts as possible.

  2. My eyes get drawn to two areas of this picture: the woman in the black dress, and the motor scooter with pirate flags.

  3. Bastion Square is one of my favorite spots in Victoria. Nice shot!

  4. Funny on the other side of earth the same weather patron.We also walk in t-shirts but the coat rack near our entrance is already filled with autumn jackets.

  5. Thanks all for your kind comments.

    @JoJo - JoJo, you deserve to live here more than most of the residents!

  6. Thanks Ben....I always thought so myself! lol


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