Saturday, March 15, 2014

Northern Cardinal in Maui

Regular visitors to this blog will know that we recently returned from two weeks in Maui, one of the Hawaiian Islands. While there I indulged in my favorite pastime, photographing birds. I had hoped to capture some rare tropical native birds of the islands. However, I discovered that many of the indigenous species are now extinct due to predation and competition from introduced species - mammmals such as cats, rats, mongooses, cattle, sheep, goats and humans especially, as well as introduced species of birds. When I photographed this glorious Northern Cardinal (Cardinalis cardinalis). I was thinking I had captured one of Maui's colorful tropical forest denizens, though I couldn't help but think, "this sure looks like a Red Cardinal...." Of course it is a Red or Northern Cardinal, one of many introduced species of birds that are thriving all over the islands. I was happy to see him since I've not seen one before. In North America they're only found east of the Rockies.


  1. He's even smiling for you! We have loads of them here in New England. Not so much in my yard but my mom gets quite a few in hers.


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