Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Legislature and Causeway

For all those of you who have begun to think that Victoria is mostly ducks and mushrooms and especially for visitor Matthew Feehan, who requested this photo in a comment, here is a quick look at what downtown Victoria was like on the afternoon of November 11.


  1. I'm glad you did a city shot! I miss it there.

  2. Looks like a beautiful day there.
    I especially like the choice of focal length for this shot. It compacts very nicely the interesting details in the fore and background.

    Three things out of the ordinary catch my attention: the flag at half-staff, a part of the Remembrance Day ceremony of course. Juggler - Akron, out late in the year for him or any busker really. And a mysterious white-cloaked object on the upper sidewalk corner where the bagpipers play. That, I have no idea what it may be.

  3. Wow, the gardens are still with beautiful blooms. Nice to see the area, it has been awhile since my last visit to Victoria.

  4. Thanks so much for the picture Benjamin. My spouse Carolyn spotted it before I did and was surprised to see who asked for it. We are now officially freezing our patooties off out in frozen Alberta, so it's great to see a picture of flowers growing outdoors in Canada at this time of the year. Thanks again !!


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