Saturday, July 20, 2013

Landscape 3 - Arbutus

Garry Oaks are probably the most distinctive tree in our local landscape but the wonderfully colored Arbutus are also very characteristic and often found in the same environment as the oaks. Arbutus don't lose their leaves seasonally. Instead they shed their bark so that their living trunks are this wonderful shade of red. This landscape is the view from the summit of Pkols (aka Mount Douglas) looking southeast.


  1. Thank you for the pronunciation lesson on Pkols. These are neat trees; we don't have them here.

  2. The beautiful colour of the Arbutus has been the inspiration for many artists/painters and photographers on Vancouver Island.
    It sure is evident that we could now use some rain. It is most often greener here in winter than in summer; for the grass at least.

  3. Gorgeous view with the Arbutus tree.


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