Tuesday, July 9, 2013

After the Parade....

Sunday's Pride parade was, as usual, funny, surprising, interesting and lively and it seemed to me that it's now a little more about acceptance of diversity in general rather than strictly focused on gay lifestyles. More businesses, churches, political parties, schools, ethnic and age groups were represented than I remember seeing in the past. But perhaps the most remarkable demonstration of the change in social attitudes was the massive crowd that had joined the parade at its end. Above you can see a small portion of this crowd following the final float along Broughton Street.


  1. Very cool! I'm glad to see so much more acceptance than in the past.

  2. A huge crowd. I tend to avoid crowds like that these days.

  3. "...it's now a little more about acceptance of diversity in general..."

    There was a funny story in the Times-Colonist last year about the parade. One of the organizers said that they have to separate some of the groups in the parade with other groups -- because they can't stand each other!

    He didn't identify any groups specifically... but so much for acceptance of differences!

    Some of the colourful characters from the parade:


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