Wednesday, May 29, 2013

The Hands of Time 10 - I Am Here

This beautifully executed small sculpture mysteriously appeared set into the wall of the Inner Harbour Causeway recently. It is just life size and attached to the wall at eye level so that the mirror reflects the viewers image. It appears to be cast in bronze. I don't know who is responsible but this is very nice.
Later: Thanks to visitor Mike Laplante's comment I now know the artist is Crystal Przybille and the work is one of a series of twelve called The Hands of Time. This information and more from an article in the Victoria Times Colonist. And more information can be found on the city's website,


  1. Featured in the TC a few days ago:

  2. Thanks Mike for that link. I was hoping someone could give me a bit more information about this.

  3. This really captures the imagination.
    Really love such public art installations, bringing outdoor art to everyone to serendipitously discover.

  4. I love it! It looks like it would be a great spot to get some people shots as they discover it.

  5. Very cool. I love mysterious appearing art. MB


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