Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Sea Blush (Plectritis congesta)

Highrock Park in Vic West is lovely at any time of year but is outstanding in the spring. The magnificent carpet of Sea Blush (Plectritis congesta) pictured above is only one reason and I'll post a few more photos later this week to show some others. Following sharp on the heels of the blooming Sea Blush will be the Camas Lilies and their rich blue-purple will provide the perfect counterpoint to this vibrant pink. Most of the taller grass-like leaves visible in the foreground of the above photo are Camas and they will probably bloom en masse next week. To the left is a close-up of a Sea Blush plant. They are quite small, little more than ankle-height in Highrock Park, but more than make up for their diminutive size with their lavish profusion.


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