Monday, March 18, 2013

The Daily Commute, Johnson Street and Douglas Street

So we here at Victoria Daily Photo Headquarters have been looking old photos of Victoria and what are the most interesting are the street scenes. The ordinary, nothing special photographs of what it looked like as people went about their daily lives. While this photo may not be exciting or beautiful I bet in a hundred years it might be fascinating to ponder the changes that will have taken place. - Fern


  1. Some people take pictures and some people take photographs. This one is definitely the latter. The lights and the fog add the perfect atmosphere.

  2. I agree with you and Andy. Splendid atmosphere and just pleasing to look at even after a hundred years.

  3. Oooh.. That looks a little mysterious! ;-)

    Greetings from The Netherlands,

  4. I love this pic and remember this intersection well from my foot travels around downtown. I've stopped at that 7-11 a few times!

  5. Yeah, count me in as one who finds this photo great.

  6. A misty day! Makes the picture work very well indeed!


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