Friday, March 1, 2013

Race Rocks Webcam

I didn't take the striking photos above. They were kindly sent to me by Dean Lewis and were taken using the Race Rocks Webcam. Thanks, Dean, for sharing these with us. Above on the left is a juvenile Bald Eagle. These can be seen in other places locally - even on my morning walks. On the right, however, is an animal I have never seen before, an Elephant Seal (Mirounga angustirostris). Race Rocks (just off the tip of Vancouver Island in the Strait of Juan de Fuca) is their most northerly location. They are quite extraordinary animals - they can dive up to 1,500 meters or more and hold their breath for over an hour and a half. They are BIG and can weigh a couple of tons. Anyone can use the webcams on Race Rocks - - it takes a bit of practice but if you have some time and patience you can see some wonderful things.


  1. It is a genuine honour to be a guest photographer here Benjamin.
    The Race Rocks website and cams represent a truly amazing opportunity for anyone to indulge their nature photography inclinations without leaving home and no matter the weather.
    There is a great variety of species to be observed, and soon gulls will begin nesting within feet of the cameras on the island.

  2. Thanks Dean for your comment AND for the photos you sent to me as well as the info about the Race Rocks Webcam.

  3. From January 28, 2013
    The NEPTUNE Project underwater videocam at a depth of 900 metres.

  4. Webcams are great. Ogden Point has one, Royal BC museum has one that overlooks the inner harbour.
    One of my favourites is the one on the roof of the Long Beach Resort Lodge in Tofino.

    Years ago when my wife and I stayed there, we were walking the beach when I had the idea to call my mother in Ontario. I had her turn on her computer, log on to the site and she was able to see us wave to her from the beach!

  5. Amazing quality for a webcam photo.....


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