Monday, December 3, 2012

Trounce Alley Shoe Shine

Barbershops may have stood the test of time but shoeshines haven't been so lucky, not in Victoria anyway. Around town there are several old buildings that still have the original signage painted on them and they are a nice reminder of what the city must've looked like. - Fern


  1. I don't know how I missed this photo op the last few times up there. Of course Trounce Alley was full of scaffolding too at that time.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. I recently posted a couple of photos of 'ghost signs' from my old home town of Sudbury, Ontario.
    Decades and decades ago, businesses advertised by painting billboards right on the building brickwork. Today there is a genre of photography - ghost signs - that specializes in documenting these now-faded ads.

  4. JoJo,
    Just to clarify: this photo was taken on Yates Street, one block over from Trounce Alley of the back of what would have been the Shoe Shine. I'm not sure what is there now...time for a stroll down Trounce Alley!

  5. I like the lines formed by the buildings here... good choice for the shot today!


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