Tuesday, August 21, 2012

One Man Band - Dave Harris

I've been spending a lot of time down on the Inner Harbour Causeway lately for several reasons. It's one of my favourite places in this city, especially when the weather is warm enough to be out in the evenings. I've also been spending more time recently shooting video of some of the entertainers who busk on the Causeway. A special project has been to record some of the performances of our famous One Man Band, Dave Harris. Below is a video of Dave's extraordinary version of the classic Orange Blossom Special. Take a close listen to the Harmonica/fiddle/drum break near the middle of the recording - it's an amazing performance. You can see more of Dave Harris on his YouTube Channel HERE.


  1. Wow that's the first time I've ever heard that song sung. I thought it was just an instrumental bluegrass song.

  2. Terrific video of a a terrific musician performing a terrific song.
    And love the B/W close-up shot.

  3. Thanks a lot Benjamin! I think you have to be the first to call me famous. Great work!


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