Saturday, August 4, 2012

Beaches 7 - Clover Point Park

This photograph is of the beach at Clover Point Park. As with Ross Bay, strong winds and a pebbly beach keep the numbers of sunbathers low on this beach but it still sees a lot of traffic from walkers along Dallas Road and from people who enjoy using wind-powered devices. We'll have a look at some of these next week. In the meantime, have a good long weekend. In this province we are celebrating BC Day and there are lots of special events planned.


  1. We used to drive to the end of Clover Point with my Dad and feed birds. He went there every day to feed birds, and the birds that hung around there knew his car and would land on the hood of the car while he slowly drove to the end of the point to feed them. Dad had his route he took each day to feed birds, and when I was on the island it was one of my favorite things to do and share with him.

  2. It's so hot and humid today where I live that I wish I could plunge into the water there. Yes we are surrounded by beaches here but I refuse to pay to park there. lol


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