Saturday, June 30, 2012

Stand Up Paddle Surfing

Here's a type of watercraft I've noticed more commonly in our coastal waters this year. It's basically a surfboard that is designed for the rider to stand on and comes equipped with a long paddle. It seems to be more or less a variety of surfing though the woman above is obviously not expecting to catch a wave in the Inner Harbour. After doing a bit of research I find that this is a sport with growing popularity. You can read more about Stand Up Paddle Surfing on Wikipedia by clicking HERE.


  1. I was surprised to see this here on Cape Cod too. I watched one guy paddling, fairly far out too, in the Bay, right towards a whole bunch of seals that were basking on rocks.

  2. An interesting concept. One must be sure footed to do this and have good balance.

  3. I suppose you could sit down if you got tired of paddling?
    Nice sparkly water!


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