Monday, May 7, 2012

The Olympic Mountains

On a recent trip to Metchosin we took a hike around in the woods and were pleasantly surprised to come into a clearing and discover this amazing view of the mountains across the Strait of Juan De Fuca. Even as a jaded local I am still blown away on a regular basis by the beauty of the pacific northwest. - Fern


  1. Those are the Olympics, aren't they? I didn't think you could get a clear view of the Cascades, except for Mt. Baker, and at that only from the eastern side of Vancouver Island or Willows Beach.

  2. Gorgeous view. Isn't it nice to re-discover the beauty of where you live?

  3. Thank you JoJo, this is the Olympic Mountains, not the Cascades. Correction made. Thank goodness the visitors to this blog are such an astute bunch!

  4. :D I do love the craggy Olys so much. I could see them on clear days from my old town of Bonney Lake, WA, because it was up so high on a hill. On clear days it was a sweeping view of the Olympics ahead of me, and Mt. Rainier in my rearview mirror.

  5. What landscape so breathtaking! Ideal for hiking, camping, many things come to mind ...


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