Friday, April 6, 2012

Special Effects

I have a love/hate relationship with the various tools available for post processing photos. I love them, they're like candy. And I want them all. Then, I feel guilty and usually hit undo. In this case I thought I'd put up two examples of some different effects and think about it some more. These are from Gorge Park I should mention. - Fern


  1. Great perspective and effects! I have no idea if my camera has effects; I've never investigated it.

  2. These effects are done after the fact - Picassa (Google's free photo editing software)has lots of interesting tools to give your photos a variety of looks. You can seriously spend alot of time messing around with them!

  3. the second looks much friendlier. wonderful b/w though. please have a good easter sunday.

  4. A great comparison how just a slight touch of colour, even sepia, can add life to a subject.

    B & W is preferable for dramatic contrast, generally.


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