Wednesday, March 28, 2012

The Vancouver Island School of Art

This old building, which used to be part of the public school system, is now a private art school. It's on Quadra Street, part of the revitalized 'Quadra Village.' I've been taking classes here on and off over the years and it's a great addition to the art scene in Victoria, with it's own gallery and regular events for all to attend. For anyone interested in making art or learning about art, this is the place to be! Their website is here and here is "random observations of an art school director who walks everywhere" a really interesting blog which is another viewpoint on Victoria, and art and all sorts of interesting things. - Fern

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  1. Note: In case the portal is still down over this coming weekend, here is a page to help with the April CDPB Theme Day. Read and join in! Carry this message on your next post and in all your comments, to alert other members to this temporary method of keeping in touch!


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