Thursday, February 2, 2012

St. Saviour's

This is an Anglican church called St. Saviour's. It was built in 1891 and is located in Victoria West on the corner of Catherine and Henry Streets. The style is described as Gothic Revival. It's an attractive old church and though I lived for some years nearby and photographed it often I've not posted any photos of it before because the many power lines and telephone poles tend to distract from the church regardless of where one stands to take a photograph. However, it seems those urban features are not going away in the near future.... Someday soon I'll attempt to go inside the church since it is reputed to have fine stained glass windows.


  1. You're right - a fine old church, I've passed it a number of times.

  2. Doesn't it gall you when the poles and wires make a good shot impossible? Would love to see the stained glass!

  3. Although it wouldn't work for poles, for distracting power lines and similar, I've used a plug in called Wire Worm available via MV's plug ins that does a good job of removing them.

  4. Didn't realize this church goes back so far, to 1891. It has a done a lot of valuable community outreach work, including offering hot meals and Spanish lessons.

  5. The pole and wires don't bother me a bit. This is a city church, right? Cities have power, right? It is a very appealing building.

  6. vancouverstreetblog.blogspot.comFebruary 2, 2012 at 4:56 PM

    I love these old churches, power lines and all!


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