Thursday, January 26, 2012

Blue Bins

I often feel quite negative about the human race's chances of continued survival though there are some things (like the internet) that give me hope. One other aspect of modern life that seems to me to be hopeful is how readily people have taken to recycling over the last twenty years. Today is recycling day on our street (once every two weeks) and almost every house puts out the blue bins containing recyclable refuse. So far as I know this is still voluntary here (though it is sustained by legal means in other places) but almost everyone participates.


  1. How'd you achieve the black and white effect while colouring the bins blue? That's incredible!

  2. Great use of colour highlighting.
    Recycling is steadily becoming second nature. Expanded use of garbage compactors would also help extend the life of landfills.

  3. JoJo - it's easy - I have a selective color setting on my camera and can choose red/blue/yellow/or green.

    Thanks Dean and welcome back. Hope you had a good holiday season.

  4. That's an interesting play with colours in your photo. Durham Region, Ontario has a recycle pickup once a week. We also have a green box for food waste.

  5. There are great regional differences in recycling. In Connecticut, recycling is nearly universal and has been that way for two decades or longer. In Ohio, where I worked in the 200s, it was close to non-existent. In Florida, where I have a winter home, it is spotty. Nice shot with the B+W plus blue.

  6. It is compulsory in a few European countries, and the fines are heavy. Nice job: bin checker...


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