Thursday, December 22, 2011

Centennial Square Christmas 2

At the opposite end of Centennial Square from the giant Christmas Tree (scroll down to see yesterday's post) there is a small skating rink where we Victorians can exercise our Canuck heritage by donning ice skates. When I was a kid on the prairies every school had a rink about 5 times as large as this and we skated at recess and at lunch too. It was also the season for long underwear and felt boots. Anyone else out there remember felt boots?


  1. With all my affection, I wish you the magic of Christmas lights you and help you achieve your dreams.

    From Salamanca ... MERRY CHRISTMAS!

  2. Nice night shot of a place that looks like a fun spot to be.

  3. How'd you get so high up to take that shot? Never had felt boots that I can recall.


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