Saturday, November 12, 2011

Gyarah Murti

On this Remembrance Day weekend I've been thinking about Gandhi and the Salt March he led in 1930 and how, thanks to Gandhi, civil disobedience has become an increasingly popular and effective way of effecting social change. The group of statues above depicts Gandhi at the head of the Salt March. I photographed it in Delhi in April of this year.


  1. A timely message, of not to just honour those who gave their lives in war, but to assert the need to do all in our power to prevent it from recurring.
    War is sometimes called 'the cost of freedom', while it can also be described as the cost of arrogance and stupidity.

    Gandhi was one of the greatest figures of the twentieth century.
    "Be the change you want to see in the world"

  2. It's a strong place. And an example for all of us.

  3. Good photo of a fitting tribute to a great man!

    Check out my Melbourne Fresh Daily Photoblog:


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