Thursday, September 8, 2011

Extreme Victoria: The Running of the Goats

Those of you who think Victoria is a stuffy, staid provincial city should know that life here can be wild and wooly if you know where to go. Here's a glimpse of a perilous adventure I had recently, risking my person and equipment to bring you this rare footage of the dangerous traditional goat stampede in Victoria's notorious Beacon Hill Park. Fasten your seatbelts folks, this is EXTREME VICTORIA!

The Running of the Goats takes place every day during the summer at the Beacon Hill Park Children's Zoo. Check their website for times and seasonal hours.


  1. Muy bonitas imagenes saludos desde canarias

  2. Brilliant, I loved it Ben and so apparently did the Llama looking over the fence at the end haha! fun post.

  3. Well looks like little Pamplona over there. Thanks for showing

  4. That was ADORABLE!!! I loved that little goat bringing up the rear and the alpaca looking over the fence too.

  5. I would have loved to be there and see that in person! Great video, thanks!

  6. What fun, Pamplona-lite.
    And hey, a very cool new headliner/banner !

  7. I'm still laughing! I loved the cute red collars they had on. You did risk life and limb for us all!


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