Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Yellow 2

Just trying out a new feature of my camera here - it has a selective color function that allows you to select one color and renders everything else in black and white. As well as yellow one can select red, blue or green. It's an interesting effect that I wish I had remembered to try when photographing the crowds dressed in red on Canada Day. Oh well, there's always next year.


  1. Nifty... my camera has the same feature, but I've never thought to put it to use.

    I once did a series of photos based on colours. This would have come in handy.

    You've inspired me to try it again sometime.

  2. What an interesting feature! I love your color posts. :)

    That would make my current "world of color" posts a WHOLE lot easier! :)

  3. Terrific. I need to check out my camera to see if I have this feature. I probably use 10 percent of what it can do.

  4. Fantastic effect Ben, and excellent macro shot, the greys and splurge of yellow make for a very eye catching shot!

  5. You didn't tell me you would be shooting in my backyard! :-). Beautiful DOF and focus.


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