Sunday, June 19, 2011

Railroad Tracks

Until recently, Vancouver Island had train service running daily from Victoria to Courtenay. Sadly, we no longer hear the whistle blow on it's way through our neighborhood. There doesnt seem to be any good news on the web as to whether it will be restored either. On a positive note, they are beginning to build a commuter path along the line. The E&N Rail Trail Project will a wonderful addition to the city. -Fern


  1. What a fantastic way to visualize your story Fern. Love the grass seeds and the blurring off into the distance. The commuter path sounds like a brilliant idea, hope it doesn't take too long to complete.

  2. Nice picture!

    Is the train really no more? The VIA rail site still tells me it's running and let's me make bookings. I didn't actually complete the booking or take that train yet, though. Supposed to leave Victoria at 8AM daily.


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