Monday, May 16, 2011


There is something about ferns that I love, besides sharing a name. They may not have showy flowers, or any flower at all for that matter but, in the spring when they first unfurl their fronds it is truly a sight to see. - Fern


  1. I agree, like some sort of strange, hairy creature.

  2. Stunning macro photography! Yes, you can saute' them in some butter. I've heard that some people call them "fiddleheads".

  3. I LOVE FIDDLEHEADS!!!!!!!! My roomie and I used to pick them in Maine when we were in college, cook 'em up in the hot pot and eat 'em with butter, salt and pepper. They taste a little bit like asparagus.

  4. Jean
    At first sight it looked like a Fascinator hat.

  5. It also looks like a paisley


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