Monday, April 18, 2011

Saxe Point Park

Despite continuing cold temperatures (maybe it's just me still re-acclimatizing from my trip to India where the daily temp hovered around 30 degrees C.), spring is bursting out, though with some restraint. I went to Saxe Point Park for a walk yesterday to see if last year's eagle couple had re-occupied their nest and also to see what the state of the wildflowers was along the shoreline. There were a few Fawn Lilies and some Salmonberry blooms but most forest flowers are still awaiting the arrival of warmer weather. Nevertheless, just as I was leaving the park a shaft of sunlight drew my attention to this little flowering tree whose crisp white blossoms grace today's photo. Sorry, I haven't managed to identify this tree (yet). The eagle's nest is still atop a tall tree in the park but I didn't see any eagles.


  1. It appears to me that you have really refined your narrow field focusing in these flower shots. It is so well done that between the subject and the background there is a very near 3-D effect.
    Excellent !
    I think your India trip has 'bumped-up' your game.

  2. It's not your imagination, it's been very cold here. We had snow yesterday!


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