Sunday, February 6, 2011


This is the statue of Queen Victoria as a young monarch. It is located in front of the British Columbia Legislative Assembly Buildings overlooking the Inner Harbour. The statue, somewhat more than life size, stands imposingly atop a high pedestal so that her feet are a good ten feet (about 3 meters) above the ground. I find it interesting to compare this with the modern statue of Sir John A. MacDonald, our first Prime Minister, by the entrance to the Victoria City Hall. He stands only slightly elevated above passersby.


  1. I love this statue. The one and only time Brian went to Victoria with me, I was shooting pictures and he was looking at this statue. He said, "I wonder why there's a statue of Queen Vic....oooooohhhh...." lol I laughed so hard.

  2. I like you low perspective here, gives the statue a powerful presence. My Best Regards!

  3. Ol' QV had an entire British Empire to oversee, so she needed a higher perch.
    John A. was a notorious imbiber, so he tried to never have too far to go before hitting the ground.


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