Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Fisgard Lighthouse Reprise

I had occasion to be digging around in the archives yesterday and came across this shot of the Fisgard Lighthouse taken from Fort Rodd Hill last May. It was one of those days with glorious light and a few puffy white clouds and a landscape bursting with spring green. In this cold gray weather we've been having I'm happy to have this photo to remind me of spring.


  1. What a great shot! I'm glad you said you took it last May...I was thinking, wow, Victoria's spring is lightyears ahead of us this year. lol

  2. That is a beautiful image. It will get us all daydreaming about the arrival of spring.

  3. Spring and Fisgard Lighthouse... two of my favourite things! Thanks for reminding us that we have lots to look forward to in Victoria! :)

  4. Wonderful shot! Maybe winter will end.

  5. I think this made a better shot rather than a closeup of the lighthouse. Great clicking.


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