Thursday, February 17, 2011

Fisgard Lighthouse, Again!

The last couple of days' posts have been from a days' shooting out at Fort Rodd Hill and Fisgard Lighthouse during May 2010. Aside from the pleasure of spring colors the reason I've been spending time in that archive is to find and prepare one of the photos taken that day for a Canadian Geographic Magazine special edition on National Historic Sites and National Parks. Another photo of the Fisgard Lighthouse, slightly different from the one above, has been shortlisted for the special edition and a hi-resolution copy was needed. The photo in question is one that originally appeared on this site May 23, 2010 and you can see it by clicking HERE. The reason I'm posting the photo above is that although it is nearly the same as the one I submitted to Canadian Geographic, I think I prefer the one above....


  1. Very, very scenic! I posted a lighthouse on one of my blogs. This is a standard lighthouse. If the light every gets right, I'll take one of the Ledge lighthouse.

  2. I just wanted to say the same as Sharon and Jarart.

  3. Nice play on the primary colors of red, green and blue :) gorgeous!

  4. Beautiful! And I hope you win!!!!!

  5. This is a beautiful and interesting composition. Good luck in the competition.

  6. The high rez is so terrific.
    My personal favourite was the one from a few weeks ago with the upward perspective.
    Good luck for the mag.

  7. I like lighthouses. Outstanding. On the border between land and sea. A sign of hope. And very photogenic.
    Great photo.

  8. Looks a bit like an HDR photo with all those striking colors.


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