Saturday, January 8, 2011

Highrock Skyline

Victoria's looking pretty craggy and Gothic in this photo. It's hard to believe this is in the middle of long settled residential area, at the summit of the small Highrock Park. It's a favorite place for me in the spring and summer when its luscious greens are overlaid by Sea Blush and Camas and its gnarled Garry Oaks are in leaf.


  1. I always think of Garry Oaks as the perfect Halloween tree with their bare gnarly branches in October.

    Get thee to Christmas Hill to see some big ones...

  2. What a great, great picture !

    Please have a good Sunday.

    daily athens

  3. I love this; very dramatic textures. What time of day did you shoot this?

  4. Awesome beauty there. Lovely moodiness and color. The trees look like trees here above 6000 feet; craggy and dwarfed or deformed looking; intriguing! Thank you.

  5. Thanks all for your kind comments. JoJo, this was taken just before sunset.


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